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The Containers view lists all your containers. You can create new containers here, and see resouce usage, logs of the running containers.

Create a container

By clicking the Create button, you can create a container through the creation form. Fill in the container configuration as needed, and the container image can be selected from the image list or manually entered with a specific image tag.

Container actions

You can use the Search field to search for specific containers and filter them by status at the top of the container list.

From the Containers view you can perform the following actions:

  • Pause/Resume
  • Stop/Start/Restart
  • Delete
  • Create image
  • Open the port exposed by the container in a browser

After selecting multiple containers, you can use the operation buttons at the top of the list for batch operations.


By clicking the container name in the list, you can view the logs of the container.

And you can change the time period of the displayed logs, view realtime logs by enabling the Watch option.

Inspect a container

By clicking the container name in the list, you can view the low-level information about the container.


Clicking the Open terminal in the operations column allows you to connect to the terminal in the container and execute specific commands in the container.

Resource usage

In the container list, you can view the current resource usage of the container. If you need to continuously monitor resource usage, you can click Monitor in the operations column.